Testosterone deficiency may lead to many symptoms including depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, moodiness, decreased self confidence/self esteem, fearfulness, decreased libido/sexual function, decreased stress tolerance and fatigue. Add to that- confusion; decreased memory, cognitive function, and mathematical ability. Many seek replacement to alleviate these symptoms. Yet, it is very common to hear patients ask “Will testosterone replacement make me aggressive and angry?” Patients also ask me whether testosterone will cause cancer or heart disease; whether testosterone replacement will result in hair loss or a beard. Let’s look at the facts, so well reviewed in “Testosterone therapy in women: Myths and misconceptions” by R. Glaser and C. Dimitrakakis as published in Maturitas in 2013.
Testosterone deficiency may lead to many symptoms including depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, moodiness, decreased self confidence/self esteem, fearfulness, decreased libido/sexual function, decreased stress tolerance and fatigue. Add to that- confusion; decreased memory, cognitive function, and mathematical ability. Many seek replacement to alleviate these symptoms. Yet, it is very common to hear patients ask “Will testosterone replacement make me aggressive and angry?” Patients also ask me whether testosterone will cause cancer or heart disease; whether testosterone replacement will result in hair loss or a beard. Let’s look at the facts, so well reviewed in “Testosterone therapy in women: Myths and misconceptions” by R. Glaser and C. Dimitrakakis as published in Maturitas in 2013.
Testosterone pellets were first prescribed in 1938 at the Medical College of Georgia, they are also widely used in Europe and Australia. However, doctors are often taught that the safety of testosterone is in question!